Hide Admin menu on WordPress Backend

Hide Admin menu on WordPress Backend

There are many reasons why you want to lessen the menus on the backend of WordPress. Some of these are To make the backend as minimal as possible. To make your theme design secure. You don’t want other administrator to edit it and mess around with it. You just feel...Read more

How to jQuery on PHP

How to jQuery on PHP, seems to be an odd question but if you think about it, it is actually very useful. Imagine you can just get data inside html string just like jQuery, parsing will be a lot easier. Okay, now let’s just get this straight. This is not...Read more

WordPress Plugins that will help you secure your website

Let me start it this way, WordPress is an open source platform. Meaning everyone has access to the files. Developers who knows the core API or even the theme API can actually create something that can harm your website. Just a friendly note, beware of free premium plugins on the...Read more
How to disable plugin on specific pages on WordPress

How to disable plugin on specific pages on WordPress

WordPress is an awesome platform that will allow you to access a lot of great features for free in the form of plugins and themes. There are a lot actually to choose from that sometimes you want to install different features/ plugins on different pages. Which in terms of design...Read more

How to add Custom Shipping method / Carrier on Shopify

First you need to understand how the API works, read https://shopify.dev/docs/admin-api/rest/reference/shipping-and-fulfillment/carrierservice The idea is very simple. In order for you to generate a custom dynamic carrier or shipping. You need to send a config data to Shopify which will has names and call back url at least once. Call back...Read more